How To Rap Fast Exercises – 7 Tips & Tricks | Rhymemakers (2024)

Rap Fast Exercises For The Hip Hop Heads

So i’ve been practicing my articulation and working on rapping faster with the ability to go back and forth with flows. Being able to spit fast helps a ton when you want to add some contrast into your music.

Being able to skid into some fast flows when upping the emotion can really get your point across. Similar to how Kendrick does it on Rigamortus.

Either way, I’m a huge nerd so I’ve compiled some of the ways people in the auctioneer community, debate communities and hip hop have used to get their mouth moving faster. And to teach you some good how to rap fast exercises.

1. Rap Fast Exercises With A Pen Technique

Push a pen back in your mouth horizontally as if you are biting down on it because you are trying to get rid of pain.

Make sure it pushes your tongue upwards. Then read something as fast as you can. Start over and read it again.

Keep doing this for 5 minutes everyday and you will enunciate more clearly and be able to rap faster. Don’t worry if your tongue starts to hurt, this just means that it is working.

The tongue is a muscle, and is responsible to for your ability to rap fast and still have people understand you.

2. Reading And Rapping Backwards

This technique will help you get rid of the slurred and blurred speech that comes as a result of trying to rap fast.

It doesn’t sound good if you spit super fast but no-one understands what the hell you’re saying. This rap fast exercises will make you read each and every word.

You will be super slow at first, but over time it will help you to focus on each and every word that is being said. A great technique that debate teams use to speak 350 words per minute.

Try rapping one of your verses backwards. Use the written to look as you go, and make sure to do it A Capella with no beat.

3. Insert the word “wow” or “a” in between every word you read

What this does is trains your mouth to get back to neutral as fast as possible.

For example:

“What a this a does a is a trains a your a mouth a to a get a back a to a neutral a as a fast a as a possible.”

Say it slow at first and then speed it up.

This helps you clearly articulate words and the difference between them instead of just mashing them together.

It’s not appealing to hear rappers rap fast but it all just blurs together. Garbage.

This is one of the toughest of the rap fast exercises, however when you get this down it changes your facial expression every single time you say a word.

As you speed it up you will eventually become more articulate in your speech and your raps will come out much more clearly when you are rapping fast.

4. Breathing technique is key to rap fast

Did you know that using your lower back muscle to breathe will help you generate the most power? Deep breathing is the best possible technique for being able to control your breath when rapping.

Think of a balloon. When you fill it with air and hold the end with your fingers. When you let it go all the air is gone almost right away. But when you slowly start to release the air at a more controlled rate the air will last much much longer.

You can rap faster if you have more air to do so. Pretty common sense but not something that rappers focus on. Like ever. Which is sad.

“Practice by opening your mouth as wide and as much as possible when spitting your verses. This will help it come out much more clear and articulate when you’re rapping fast. “

– Ed

5. Rap Breath control drill

I wrote out all 50 states below and organized them to flow better. Try and spit out all 50 states with one breath. Take a DEEP BREATH and try this 3 times.

If you want to notice the difference in deep breath compared to breathing from your chest. Try breathing normally and doing this. And then try taking a deep diaphragmatic breath and do it. You will get further.




New York



















New Hampshire

New Jersey



Rhode Island















New Mexico

North Dakota

South Dakota



West Virginia


North Carolina

South Carolina

How’d you do? Haha I didn’t finish it the first time. But you better believe I kept trying. Tell me if you finished this how to rap fast exercises in the comments below.

6. Rapping Fast Tips From Twista

How To Rap Fast Exercises – 7 Tips & Tricks | Rhymemakers (1)

In the book “How To Rap 2” Twista gives some of his tips for how to rap fast. Which I Can appreciate because he’s one of the best fast rappers ever. These are some solid tips though for sure.

1. Repeat the same Rap lyrics over and over and over

Finding lyrics that are already fast and practicing them to get faster and faster will give you an idea of how you need to use your mouth to get out the words faster.

The more you practice it, the less effort your mouth will need to use, and the faster you can go.

What happens is you HAVE to cut words short or say them with slang. Articulating is huge still so you have to find a common ground.

Often words with a ‘th’ you can pronounce as ‘t’. Like ‘with’ you pronounce as ‘wit’. Or say the word ‘wanted’ you don’t NEED to pronounce the ‘t’ sound so perfectly.

There are spots like these you slowly pick up over time that will help you get faster without losing the annunciation.

2. Understand Rap bars and structure

Twista says you have to learn how to count bars. Which is so true. This will help you understand where the emphasis of the syllables go.

Whether you’re writing your own or just spitting tech n9ne or eminem, you should know how to count 4 bars on beat. And what the difference is.

Twista says he focuses on 4 bars at a time. This is huge advice because it shows through on 4/4 time signature in hip hop and how 4 beats are in a bar and 4 bars complete an idea.

3. Pick the right beats

There are certain beats that suit fast rap. Generally either really fast beats per minute like 120+ OR really slow at like 60bpm. So if you’re trying to write out a fast rap, you need to make sure the beat will fit with the fast rap style.

4. Record it until it’s perfect

Twista is very open that he is a perfectionist with the recordings and goes through take after take until it’s perfect and exactly what he wants. Don’t be afraid to re-record it if you don’t like it.

Practice and learn at LEAST ONE track from a fast rapper.

7. Which Fast Raps Are The Best To Learn?

Well obviously learning Eminem – Rap God fast part is ideal. In YouTube the videos with the lyrics on the screen are perfect for learning rap god fast part. You can slow down the YouTube audio playback and practice at half speed!

The best trick for this is run through it over and over again, even use the rap fast exercises in this post to work on that one song.

Start with the first 4 bars and get them down. Then move onto the next 4 bars. Start by saying the lines at 50% then run through them a couple times. Then ramp it up to 75% and eventually a hundred.

Tech N9ne – Speedom:

Busta Rhymes – Can You Keep Up?

Eminem – Rap God:

Twista – Up To Speed:

Give some of these ones a shot. Start off with the first 4 bars. Say them super slow. Then try implementing some of the techniques I showed you up top and I guarantee you will crush at least one of these out.

This will help you learn how to write a fast rap yourself as well. There is a certain type and style of language you need to incorporate when writing raps fast.

Take Your Rapping Agility and Ability To New Levels!

You’re probably struggling to improve some aspect of your rapping, whether it’s flow, delivery, confidence, rhyming, freestyling, or something else. If this is you, you don’t need to struggle anymore! The Rap Masterclass is your number-one guide to reaching the top! Level up your skills with easy-to-follow video lessons taught by a pro!

How To Rap Fast Exercises – 7 Tips & Tricks | Rhymemakers (2024)


What is the trick to rapping fast? ›

[1] One key to rapping fast is using a well-balanced combination of sounds so that you're not overloading one part of your mouth which is known as a “tongue-twister”. [2] Another key to rapping fast is eliminating as many stressed syllables as possible.

How can I talk faster in rap? ›

Pronounce each syllable clearly and as quickly as you can. This will help loosen up the muscles in your tongue so you can speak at a faster rate. Say the whole tongue twister in a single breath. This exercise will improve your breathing so you can use better technique when rapping.

Who is the 1 fastest rapper? ›

Eminem, the fastest rapper of all time, can spit out 7.5 words per second | Guinness World Records.

How do rappers not stutter? ›

Read out loud.

Reading out loud can help you speak more smoothly and will improve stuttering, stammering, and getting tongue tied. Reading out loud can also help you speak faster, which will translate to faster rapping ability.

How to rap without mumbling? ›

How do I stop mumbling when I rap? Practice articulating and enunciating clearly in your everyday speech first. Rap slowly and carefully, then gradually speed it up. Practice as much as you can.

How do you get a good rap beat? ›

How to make a beat in 7 steps
  1. Set tempo and vibe. Decide on the BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the beat to set the tempo. ...
  2. Sequence your drum pattern. ...
  3. Build out your chord progressions. ...
  4. Top it off with a melody. ...
  5. Create a bass line. ...
  6. Use samples and sound FX. ...
  7. Arrange your song structure.

Is rapping easy? ›

Rapping successfully requires vocal speed and fast thinking. That makes it a music form that is easy to learn but hard to master. Most rappers spend plenty of time on practice exercises, such as by focusing on reading quickly and speaking more clearly. Getting into a good flow is also important, so rap with a beat.

What is a 16 in rap? ›

Let's look at it this way: 16 bars are the general guidelines for writing a rap song, and most mainstream artists stay with this rule. However, there can be many more, and even in some occasions, less. Listen to Misconceptions 3 by Lecrae. In the first verse, there's a 16. (By a 16, I mean a bar of 16.

How should I start my rap? ›

Start on an unexpected beat or emphasize an unusual beat. Your goal is to change up the rhythm of the words or melody enough to catch the listener's attention. Focus the hook lyric around a single strong statement. Repeat it to give listeners a chance to get into it before you start your next verse..

Who has the fastest rapper? ›

According to the Guinness Book of World Records website, Eminem is the current record holder of the world's fastest rap on a hit single, which puts him at the top amongst the world's most renowned rap talents.

What is Eminem's fastest rap verse? ›

Here's something you might not know about. Eminem's Godzilla. The song is of course. famous for its record breaking final verse, where M raps 225 words in just 30 seconds, which breaks down to 7.5 words, or an astonishing 11.3 syllables per second, breaking his previous record in rapcot.

How fast can Eminem rap per second? ›

Many rappers claim the title of 'quickest'

That's because at different times, and according to different measurements, various artists have been awarded the coveted title. There's Eminem, who was credited with a Guinness World Record in 2020 for rapping a staggering 7.5 words per second in one verse in Godzilla.

How do you get flow when rapping? ›

Generally, flow in rap comes from two poetic techniques and one musical technique. The musical technique is rhythm, which should be obvious. You need to ride the beat to flow on it and for that you need to be able to keep rhythm with it. The two poetic techniques are assonance and alliteration.

How do you catch the beat when rapping? ›

The three main ways that I catch the beat is before the kick drum, on top of the kick drum or slightly after the kick drum. In this video I give you a real live example of my methods of doing this. It's important to be able to identify where the beginning of each bar actually is.

Is it impressive to rap fast? ›

While there are countless legendary rap artists who have amazed listeners with their quick and clever rhymes, there is a rare subset of rap songs that take rapid-fire delivery to a whole new level. These songs push the boundaries of speed, leaving listeners astounded and amazed at the verbal acrobatics on display.


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