Get a Probation Detainer Lifted in Philadelphia | Goldstein Mehta LLC (2024)

The Philadelphia criminal defense attorneys of Goldstein Mehta LLC may be able to help you get a probation detainer lifted. Our attorneys have represented clients who have been arrested for new charges while on probation. In some cases, we have been able to get the probation judge (“the back judge”) to quickly lift the detainer by filing a motion to lift the detainer. If you do not take action, you will remain in custody until your case is resolved, which could take a year or more. Call 267-225-2545 today for a complimentary criminal defense strategy session and to discuss the possibility of getting a detainer lifted while you are still facing new charges.

As criminal defense attorneys, we frequently receive questions from clients about probation issues. Some of the most common questions we receive are:

1) What is a probation detainer?

A probation detainer is an order from the defendant’s probation judge directing the prison system not to release the defendant until the defendant sees the judge. When a person who is on probation for a previous offense is arrested on new charges, in most cases, the defendant’s probation officer will lodge a detainer when the defendant goes through preliminary arraignment. The order prevents the defendant from being released even if the defendant is able to make bail. If the defendant does not retain counsel to address the probation issue first, the judge's order will remain in effect and the defendant will remain in custody until the new case is resolved. If the defendant beats the new case, then the defendant will likely be released without a hearing if there are no other probation violations. If the defendant is found guilty of something in the new case, then the defendant will have a probation violation hearing scheduled within a few weeks in front of the probation judge. At that hearing, the judge will find the defendant in violation and decide on a new sentence for the violation. The sentence could range from more probation to jail time.

2)How do I get a detainer lifted?

In some cases, it is possible to have the probation judge lift the detainer order and allow the defendant to fight the new charges while out on bail. Once a probation detainer has lodged against the defendant, the defendant's probation officer typically cannot lift it without the supervising judge's permission. Therefore, getting a detainer lifted will typically require retaining counsel to file a motion to lift the detainer. The motion to lift the detainer is a written motion which will set out the history of the defendant’s probation, the allegations in the new case, and the reasons why the defendant should be permitted to fight the charges from the street instead of from custody.

Judges are often reluctant to lift probation detainers because they are only lodged against defendants who were already on probation when they were arrested for a new case. However, our attorneys may be able to gather enough mitigation information about you or your loved one or information that shows that the Commonwealth’s evidence in the new case is weak that we can convince the judge to lift the order pending trial. For example, if a defendant who is on probation for drugs is arrested for a new misdemeanor drug case, we may be able to convince a judge to release the defendant if we can show that the defendant was working, supporting family members, and attending drug treatment. This is even more likely if we are able to arrange for the defendant to enter a program upon his or her release. Each case is different, and our attorneys offer a free criminal defense strategy session at which we can discuss the likelihood of success in filing a motion to get a detainer lifted.

3) How long does it take to get a detainer lifted?

Once we are retained to file a motion to lift a detainer, there is no set time period in which the probation judge must schedule a hearing on the motion. Our probation lawyers will typically be able to file the motion within a day or two of being retained. The rest of the time table is then dependent on the court system. The probation judge could deny the motion without a hearing, schedule a hearing, or lift the detainer without a hearing. In most Philadelphia cases, it is often possible to get a hearing scheduled within a week or two. If the motion to lift the detainer is successful and the judge agrees to lift the order, then the defendant could be released on the day of the hearing. In the suburban counties, it could take one or two months to schedule a detainer hearing. Each judge is different, and the judges have a significant amount of discretion in terms of if and when they schedule probation cases. However, in many cases, we are able to convince the judge to schedule a hearing quickly and hear the case on the merits.

4) Will the judge lift the detainer?

There is never any guarantee as to whether a judge will lift a detainer. Typically, when either the probation case or new case is for charges which are not particularly serious or when there is some compelling mitigation evidence in the defendant’s background, the odds of winning a motion are greater. If the defendant has a lot of community support and friends and family who will attend the hearing, then the odds of getting a detainer lifted substantially increase. Likewise, if we can show that the defendant was working, attending some kind of treatment, or has health issues, those are all factors that could lead to a successful motion. The likelihood of success depends on the defendant’s background, the nature of the new and old charges, and also on the judge who is supervising the defendant’s probation. We can never guarantee that a detainer will be lifted, but in many cases, it is worth filing the motion and asking the judge for a hearing. In many cases, the probation judge will release the defendant pending trial if the defendant retains counsel and files a motion.

5) What if the judge won’t lift my detainer?

If the judge will not lift the detainer, then the defendant will remain in custody until the new charges are resolved or the defendant serves the maximum possible sentence on the probation case. In some instances, if there is a significant change in circ*mstances during the course of the case, then it may be possible to ask the back judge to reconsider. For example, if felony charges are later dismissed and the defendant is left facing only misdemeanor charges, it may be worth asking the probation judge to reconsider an initial ruling denying a motion to lift a detainer. Although we cannot guarantee that a motion will be successful, we can guarantee that if you do not file one, you will remain in custody until the new case is over.

6) Should I pay my bail if I have a detainer?

If you have a detainer, you should not pay your bail. If you pay your bail, you will not receive any time credit for the time spent in custody on the new case. You will receive time credit only for the probation case, meaning that if you are ultimately convicted of the new case and sentenced to a period of incarceration, you will not receive any credit for the time which you spent in custody prior to sentencing. If you pay your bail and you have a detainer or warrant from a different jurisdiction, you would typically be transferred to the other jurisdiction, which could make it more difficult to resolve the new case as there are often transportation issues.

7) What are the odds that the judge will lift the detainer?

It is never possible to guarantee that any particular detainer will be lifted, and it is often difficult to make a prediction as to the exact chances of success. However, our attorneys have represented numerous clients in probation matters and successfully had detainers lifted in a number of cases. Examples of successful probation case outcomes include:

Commonwealth v. A.W.- Motion for Reconsideration of Custdoail VOP Sentence Granted; Client Immediately Paroled to Treatment

The judge found A.W. in technical violation of probation for theft and drug possession while a different attorney represented A.W.. The judge sentenced A.W. to 11.5 - 23 months in the county jail. The client retained Goldstein Mehta LLC within ten days of the sentence, and our attorneys immediately filed a motion to reconsider the VOP sentence within ten days as required by the rules. The back judge quickly scheduled a hearing on the Motion to Reconsider, and prior to the hearing, we were able to work with the client's family to locate a treatment facility which A.W. could attend if released. Once our attorneys presented the judge with alternative treatment options, the judge reconsidered the sentence and granted immediate parole to treatment. We were able to help A.W. avoid a lengthy jail sentence in the county jail.

Commonwealth v. Z.B.– Detainer Lifted and Client Sentenced to Time Served on Section 17 Detainer

The client previously pleaded no contest to misdemeanor drug charges as part of a Section 17 diversionary program in Montgomery County. After getting arrested again in a different jurisdiction, the Montgomery County probation officer took Z.B. into custody and lodged a probation detainer. The client retained Goldstein Mehta LLC, and our defense attorneys immediately filed a Motion to Lift the Detainer, arguing that Section 17 probation does not give the judge the authority to lodge a probation detainer. Instead, the judge must schedule a hearing and either continue the probation or impose a judgment of sentence.

In this case, the judge had already scheduled a hearing that was still months away. After receiving the motion and recognizing that the law was unclear as to whether Section 17 probation provides the authority to lodge a detainer, the judge quickly moved the probation violation hearing up by two months. The client then stipulated to the probation violation in exchange for a time served sentence and was released shortly thereafter. By filing a creative motion on the client’s behalf, our defense lawyers were able to save the client months in the county prison.

Commonwealth v. J.B.– Probation Detainer Lifted, Full Acquittal Obtained in Domestic Assault Case

Police charged J.B. with Simple Assault, Terroristic Threats, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, and other related charges in the Philadelphia Municipal Court for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend. J.B. was on probation for similar charges, so the probation officer took him into custody and lodged a probation detainer. If J.B. had done nothing, he would have had to stay in jail for months until the new case was resolved. Fortunately, J.B.retained Zak T. Goldstein, Esq., and our defense lawyers promptly filed a Motion to Lift the Probation Detainer with the client’s back judge. By putting together a thorough mitigation packet which showed J.B.'s exemplary work record, successful compliance with probation other than the new charges, and extensive family and community ties, we were able to have J.B. released so that he could fight the case from the street.

Attorney Goldstein then obtained a full acquittal for J.B. at trial. By cross-examining the complainant on the inconsistencies between her testimony at trial and the statement she had given to police and showing that she had a motive to lie, our attorneys were able to convince the trial judge that the complainant should not be believed. This was particularly true in light of the complainant’s lack of visible injuries and the fantastical nature of her allegations. Accordingly, our criminal defense attorneys successfully had the client’s probation detainer lifted and then obtained a full acquittal at trial.

Commonwealth v. M.M.- M.M. was arrested on a potential technical probation violation. Attorney Goldstein filed a motion to lift the detainer and had a hearing scheduled within a week. At the hearing, our defense lawyers convinced M.M.'s back judge to find that M.M. had not violated the terms of his supervision. The client was immediately released the same day.

Our Philadelphia Detainer Lawyers Can Help

If you or are loved one are dealing with the consequences of a probation detainer, call 267-225-2545 today for a free 15-minute criminal defense strategy session with one of our Philadelphia criminal defense lawyers. We have successfully defended thousands of cases and successfully moved to have detainers lifted on numerous occasions. Do not just assume that you or your loved one must remain in jail until the new case is resolved. We can help you evaluate the merits and likelihood of success in filing a motion, and we may be able to help you or your loved one get out of jail.

Speak with a Philadelphia Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Get a Probation Detainer Lifted in Philadelphia | Goldstein Mehta LLC (2024)


How do you get a detainer lifted in PA? ›

You may file a motion to lift your detainer as soon as possible, but the courts have a lot of discretion when scheduling your hearing. Ultimately, how long you must wait in jail until your detainer can be lifted will depend on the judge in charge of your hearing. Some judges prefer to handle cases as soon as possible.

What is a detainer in PA? ›

A detainer is an order of incarceration, issued by a court against an individual who has violated a condition of his probation or parole, including receiving a new criminal charge.

Does probation expire in California? ›

If you follow these rules and meet the requirements, your probation will be complete once the specified time period has ended. Generally, this is 3 to 5 years from the date you were sentenced to unsupervised probation.

How do I get a probation hold lifted in Louisiana? ›

Under Louisiana law that hold can only be lifted by the Division of Probation and Parole, which is part of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections — a district judge generally has no authority over the matter.

What authority does a probation officer have in Pennsylvania? ›

An officer is declared to be a peace officer and shall have police powers and authority throughout this Commonwealth to arrest, with or without warrant, writ, rule or process, any person on probation, intermediate punishment or parole under the supervision of the court for failing to report as required by the terms of ...

How long can they hold you in jail for a parole violation in PA? ›

Most often, the jail time is limited to approximately 30 days. Once out, violation of your PA probation rules could result in returning to jail or prison.

What is the legal term detainer mean? ›

: a notification sent by a prosecutor, judge, or other official advising a prison official that a prisoner is wanted to answer criminal charges and requesting continued detention of the prisoner or notification of the prisoner's impending release compare extradition.

What does paroled to detainer mean? ›

A detainer does not of itself constitute a basis to deny parole. A prisoner may be paroled to a detainer indicating an actual release to the custody of another jurisdiction.

What happens after writ of possession in Philadelphia? ›

The Writ of Possession notifies the tenant that an eviction will take place on or after 11 days from the day the Writ of Possession is served. As a result, no eviction can take place until 21 days after the court judgment- (10 day appeal period + 11 day Writ of Possession).

What's the longest probation you can get? ›

Felony probation lasts up to 2 years for most non-violent felonies. It can last up to 3 years for the crimes of grand theft, embezzlement, or theft by false pretenses that involve more than $25,000. The term of probation can be longer for violent felonies, or for crimes that specify the applicable term of probation.

What's the longest you can be on probation? ›

Typically, probation lasts anywhere from one to three years, but can extend longer and even up to life depending on the type of conviction, such as drug or sex offenses.

How do I get off probation early in Pennsylvania? ›

After you have completed at least one year of supervision, your attorney can petition the Court, or. After you have completed one half of your term of supervision, you can request early termination through your U.S. Probation Officer.

How do I get off probation in California? ›

Under California Penal Code Section 1203.3 PC, a defendant can petition the court for early termination of probation. If granted, the defendant's conviction is usually expunged at the same time.

Can you travel while on probation in Louisiana? ›

For probation, supervised release, and parole clients, travel generally is to be requested at least two weeks in advance. You should submit a written request for permission to travel to your supervising officer which is best done by email and then await approval from your supervising officer.

What are the rules of probation in Pennsylvania? ›

General Rules of Probation and Parole
  • You must report to your assigned probation officer as required and/or allow your probation officer to visit you at your home or work site.
  • You must obey all local, state and federal laws, and notify your probation officer at once if you are arrested or cited by the police.

What is special probation in PA? ›

Code § 65.4. A special probationer or parolee is subject to the following conditions: (1) Be under the supervision of a district office or suboffice and not leave that district without prior written permission of the parole supervision staff.

How do I report a probation officer in PA? ›

Reporting Absconders

Business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. During non-business hours, please call the 24/7 Operations Monitoring Center at 800.932. 4857 or contact by email at

What happens if you violate parole in Philadelphia? ›

Key Points About the Parole Violation Process

All violations will result in a sanction ranging from curfew, increased urine testing, or attending programming to be placed in an in-patient treatment or technical parole violator center. The Board may also impose a period of brief detention as a form of sanction.

Does PA extradite for probation violation? ›

As a general rule, any person arrested in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who is charged with committing a crime in another state, including violation of probation, violation of parole, or skipping bail may sign a written waiver of extradition form.

What happens if you violate your probation for the first time in PA? ›

What happens when you violate probation for the first time? In the event of a relatively minor technical violation in Pennsylvania, your probation officer may simply issue a warning and decide not to turn you over to the judge. This is the best possible outcome.

What is another word for unlawful detainer? ›

Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction, eviction may also be known as unlawful detainer, summary possession, summary dispossess, summary process, forcible detainer, ejectment, and repossession, among other terms.

How do you use detainer in a sentence? ›

Beneath his scowl, a scared look crept into his eyes, and he glanced aside warily at his self-appointed detainer.

What is a federal detainer agreement? ›

The Detainer Agreement, codified in California at section 1389, “ 'facilitates the resolution of detainers, based on untried indictments, informations or complaints in one jurisdiction, lodged against persons who have “entered upon a term of imprisonment” in another jurisdiction.

What are the four types of release? ›

Types of Release
  • Parole. "Parole" means the release of a prisoner to the community by the Board of Parole (BOP) prior to the expiration of the offender's sentence. ...
  • Probation. ...
  • Determinate Release. ...
  • Community Corrections.

What are letters for parole release? ›

Simon Says
  • Step 1: Choose an appropriate format. ...
  • Step 2: Introduce yourself. ...
  • Step 3: Describe your relationship with the offender and why you think the offender is unlikely to reoffend or violate parole conditions. ...
  • Step 4: Explain how you will support the offender's rehabilitation. ...
  • Step 5: Conclude your letter.

What does probation or been paroled mean? ›

Parolees serve their time in the community and can be returned to prison for violating any of the conditions of parole imposed by the Board of Parole Commissioners. Probation is the term used to describe offenders that have been convicted of an offense but whose prison sentence is suspended.

How can I stop an eviction in Philadelphia? ›

Call the Philly Tenant Hotline at (267) 443-2500. The hotline is staffed by Tenant Union Representative Network.

How long do I have to move after a writ of possession in PA? ›

It takes 5 days for the Writ of Possession to be issued by the court. Law enforcement officials have 48 hours to serve this court order to the tenant. After that, the tenant has 10 days to move out of the property.

How do I stop an eviction in PA? ›

Talk to Your Landlord

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

Can you be around a felon on probation? ›

You cannot associate with others who have been convicted of crimes or are currently on probation or parole.

What is the lowest level of probation? ›

Unsupervised, or informal, probation is the least intensive punishment. This is usually given to offenders with the lowest risk of repeating the criminal activity. Unsupervised probation usually involves paying all fines and fees and refraining from any other law violations for the duration of the probation.

Can probation be longer than sentence? ›

The judge may extend your probation at any time before the end of your sentence, but must give you a hearing before doing so. At that court hearing, the judge can make your probation term longer if he or she did not originally give you the maximum authorized term.

How do you survive 90 day probation? ›

Use the following techniques to look after yourself during your probationary period:
  1. Be resilient . Don't "sweat the small stuff" or focus on minor errors that you make. ...
  2. Get the basics of self-care right. ...
  3. Get your work-life balance right. ...
  4. Use stress management techniques. ...
  5. Maintain a positive state of mind .

What is the longest probation for a misdemeanor? ›

Misdemeanor probation normally lasts between one and three years, but could go as long as five years. During this period, defendants are required to comply with specific terms and conditions, such as performing community service, participate in counseling, pay restitution, and more.

How do you fail a probation period? ›

There could be many reasons why an employee's probationary period doesn't work out and your assessment could be driven by factors like poor performance, timekeeping issues, attendance, concerns about your team member fitting with company culture, or even an act of gross misconduct, such as violence, theft, or fraud.

What violation causes revocation of probation the most? ›

Committing a New Offense

New criminal charges that result in criminal conviction during your probation period will mostly result in the judge revoking the initial probation. Not committing a new crime is among the major conditions of probation.

What state has the highest probation rate? ›

Texas led the Nation with 534,260 persons on probation or parole, followed by California with 485,039.

Can you stay at girlfriends house on probation? ›

Yes, with the prior permission of their Parole/Probation officer. “My boyfriend is getting out of jail but can't live with me”. Why not?

What happens when a sheriff comes to evict you in PA? ›

A constable or sheriff's deputy will serve the Order for Possession on you that gives you an additional 10 days to vacate the premises. If you do not move within 10 days after you receive the Order for Possession, the constable or sheriff's deputy will physically remove you from the property.

What is a PA order to vacate? ›

(a) A building code official may initiate action to vacate or close a building, structure or equipment for violations of the Uniform Construction Code by issuing an order to show cause to the owner or owner's agent of a building or structure.

What is the legal eviction process in Pennsylvania? ›

Before a landlord can start filing an eviction, the landlord must give the tenant a 10-Day Notice to Quit. This eviction notice allows the tenant 10 days to settle any unpaid rent. The tenant must resolve their nonpayment of rent after the 10 days' notice or leave the rental premises.

What is a motion to stay eviction in Pennsylvania? ›

A Motion to Stay a Writ of Possession is a document that a resident files with the court which has the result of “staying” or “stopping” an eviction action after a final judgment for the manager has already been entered.

How do I delay an eviction in PA? ›

Talk to Your Landlord

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

How long does the eviction process take in Philadelphia? ›

The Writ of Possession notifies the tenant that an eviction will take place on or after 11 days from the day the Writ of Possession is served. As a result, no eviction can take place until 21 days after the court judgment- (10 day appeal period + 11 day Writ of Possession).

How long does an ejectment take in PA? ›

In Philadelphia, PA an ejectment is a legal process to remove a squatter from property. The time frame is four months to a year depending on whether the defendant takes action. For example, if the squatter is well represented or has a Philadelphia ejectment lawyer the ejectment may take longer.

Can you be evicted in PA without going to court? ›

YOUR LANDLORD CAN ONLY EVICT YOU BY GOING TO COURT, which usually involves these important steps: 1. Written notice. Unless your lease says otherwise, your landlord must give you a written notice before filing an eviction case against you.

What are grounds for immediate eviction in PA? ›

Grounds for an Eviction in Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, a landlord cannot legally evict a tenant without cause. Legal grounds to evict include not paying rent on time, staying after the lease ends, violating the terms of the lease and committing illegal activity.

What is a 10 day notice to vacate PA? ›

The Landlord/Tenant Act requires your landlord to give you a written eviction notice. This notice must be a 10-day notice if he/she is evicting you for nonpayment of rent, or 15 days if the eviction is for breach of the lease or end of lease term.

How long does an eviction stay on your record in Philadelphia? ›

Evictions will not appear on your credit report, but they may appear on tenant screening reports for seven years.

Does an eviction go on your record in PA? ›

Every single eviction filing across Pennsylvania carries a lifelong blemish on a person's tenancy records, regardless of the outcome of the case.

Are renters still protected from eviction in PA? ›

The Order closes most courts and prohibits any eviction, ejectment, or other displacement of PA residents for failure to make payments or pay property taxes through May 11, 2020. After May 11, 2020, an eviction or foreclosure is not automatic.

What is the rule 4013 in PA? ›

The filing of a motion for a protective order shall not stay the deposition, production, entry on land or other discovery to which the motion is directed unless the court shall so order.

What are the defenses to ejectment in PA? ›

The defendant may assert various defenses to the ejectment action such as the deed is fraudulent, existence of a landlord-tenant relationship, and/or adverse possession. Following successful disposition of the case the plaintiff must file a writ of possession.

What is a 15 day notice to quit in PA? ›

In Pennsylvania, a 15 Day Notice to Quit is required for leases that are 1 year or less and/or an indeterminate amount of time; where a tenant has violated a lease for reason(s) other than non-payment of rent. Who: This notice is used for a tenant who has violated the lease for reasons other then non-payment of rent.


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